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How to Help the People in Türkiye and Syria

August 9, 2024


Immediate Need in Türkiye and Syria!

A devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck south-eastern Türkiye near the border with Syria in the early hours of Monday, February 6th. More than 40,000 people are dead, and thousands more are injured, with the death toll expected to rise. Rescue workers are desperately searching for survivors in cities and towns across the area. Time is of the essence for those impacted by the earthquake. International aid is needed now to reach and save as many lives as possible. Here are some key organizations on the ground in eastern Türkiye. If you are in a position to donate, please reach out to the agencies below through their websites.

In Canada:

Canadians who want to skip the vetting step can also visit pre-verified websites. For example, Humanitarian Coalition brings together a number of verified organizations, including OXFAM Canada, Save the Children Canada, and World Vision Canada.

International Organizations

The best way to support the survivors in Northern Syria who have been left out of immediate support after the earthquake, due to the civil war in Syria and politicizing the catastrophe, is to donate directly to local Syrian organizations like The White Helmets or Molham Team. The White Helmets is a registered Charity in Canada, Molham Team is now a registered charity in the US.

Humanitarian Crisis Happening Around the World

We also look on with shock and sadness at the continued escalating war in Ukraine, it’s sometimes hard to know how we can help the people on the ground that are suffering. Throughout all of this conflict in Eastern Europe, it’s also hard not to forget the trauma and refugee crisis developing in Afghanistan and Syria as well. If you are not sure where to contribute your donations, TIES has three critical links to organizations that have people and resources right in the country and can put your kind donations to where they count the most. Thank you for thinking of the many people who can use your help!


The crisis situation in Ukraine that escalated since the end of February following the Russian Federation’s military action in the country. The crisis has displaced an estimated 2 million people inside the country so far, and is projected to internally displace up to 6.7 million people. Over 3.2 million people from Ukraine have crossed into neighbouring countries in the region including Poland, Hungary, Moldova and others.

As the crisis continues to develop, humanitarian needs are multiplying and spreading by the hour. Of the 18 million people in Ukraine who will be impacted by the ongoing military operation, 12 million are expected to need humanitarian assistance. Prior to this recent military action, nearly 3 million people were already in need of humanitarian aid across Ukraine, including over 850,000 internally displaced people. Particularly vulnerable groups include older people and people with disabilities who may be unable to flee from high-risk areas.


TIES is here to help ALL Ukrainians fleeing the war

If you have recently left Ukraine and have arrived in Calgary, or you are sponsoring someone from Ukraine, please know that there are resources and assistance available from TIES that may be able to help ease your stress and burden. TIES is here to help with FREE English language programs, FREE employment training initiatives, and FREE mental health counselling for individuals or whole families. Services are available immediately and without cost to the participants or the host families.

If you know of someone who has fled the war in Ukraine and can use some help to get established here in Calgary, please don’t hesitate to contact our Settlement and Mental Health Programs Manager, Ronni Abraham, who will help with connection to available services.

Phone: 587-392-4177

Supports from the Government of Canada

Canada is offering three-year work and study visas to Ukrainian nationals who are seeking refuge from the war in their country. It is important to note that while Canada is not identifying Ukrainians as internationally recognized refugees, many of the same supports will be made available to the new arrivals. At this point, 4.5 million people have fled Ukraine with millions more internally displaced.

Canada launched a new temporary residence pathway for Ukrainians wishing to seek refuge in Canada on March 17. Businesses and employers can now add jobs for Ukrainians on Canada’s online job bank.

Government of Canada link for available supports for Ukrainian Temporary Residences

Supports from the Government of Alberta

The Government of Alberta is supporting medical and emergency medical care for arriving Ukrainians. Other provincial supports are available.


The prolonged nature of the crisis has prompted intensified efforts to support Afghan refugees and the host communities in Iran and Pakistan that have generously accommodated them for over four decades. Nearly 6 million Afghans have been driven out of their homes and their country by conflict, violence and poverty. It is estimated that 85 percent of Afghan refugees are living in Pakistan and Iran, which continue to host more than 1.4 million and 780,000 registered Afghan refugees respectively.

In 2021, violence in Afghanistan intensified and spread through the country.  Conflict forcibly displaced nearly 700,000 Afghans across all provinces. The impact of the conflict on women and girls has been particularly devastating – 80 percent of all forcibly displaced within Afghanistan are women and children.



As the Syria crisis enters its eleventh year, the humanitarian situation is more difficult than ever. An estimated 13 million people need humanitarian assistance and more than half of the population remains displaced from their homes – including 6.8 million refugees living in neighbouring countries and another 6.7 million internally displaced inside Syria. Women and children comprise more than two thirds of those displaced.

Over the years, Syrians have shown remarkable resilience, but as war continues, hope is fading fast. More than 70 percent of Syrian refugees are living below the poverty line and an additional one million have been pushed into poverty during the COVID-19 pandemic. In northwest Syria, flooding and outbreaks of violence have displaced tens of thousands of Syrian families since December 2019. They now live in terrible conditions amidst widespread destruction of services and economic hardship.


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